October 06, 2009

Old Mother Hubbard has nothing on me!

My Fridge.
Looks like any normal fridge from the outside...

and then you open it.
yes my fridge a bare.
with the exception of a surprisingly large amount of wine...
and milk and eggs that have long ago expired.
and you are correct in thinking even the poor light bulb has burned out.

Now I was going to go buy food today because I am well starving.
But then my poor college student baby sister called...
and she has a research paper she has to have done by 4:00...
which she hasn't started.
And since I revealed to her
secret confession #83- I love school work, note taking, flash cards, researching, and all that college entails.
She has turned to me for *help* on her paper.
So I am now willing to pay someone one million dollars to go grocerry shopping for me, any type of food will do, just don't forget the creamer.
Thank you,
The Young Mother Hubbard


Lindsay said...

ill go ill go!!:) your fridge looks so sad. haha. actually mine kind of looks the same, im so unmotivated to do stuff like grocery shop when davids gone. if it wasn't for ny i would most definitely be living on wine and brie. :)

tiff said...

just had to tell you, CB2 has cute little appetizer plates called Oliver plates, b/c they have a little guy who likes olives on them, I guess.... but they made me think of Oliver!

Tatiana said...

our fridge looked just as bad until last weekend when we went to COSTO and spent wayyyy more than we should have (actually we never have spent that much on groceries). But at least now we're fed :-)
I hope you get a chance to buy some food soon :-)